About Ashridge Group Charity Foundation

Funded directly from Ashridge Group revenues, Ashridge Group Charity Foundation aims to aid and support projects, organisations and causes, primarily but not exclusively, in Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.
The foundation provides charities and community groups free of charge knowledge sharing and accredited training courses in subjects such as First Aid, Manual Handling, and Safeguarding. Support ranges from enabling difficult discussions, sourcing volunteers and strategy planning to financial planning, cost saving efficiencies and reviewing sustainability.

As well as awarding financial assistance, charities supported by the foundation are encouraged to share with each other. The Ashridge Group Charity Foundation mission is to achieve reduced costs for all involved and promote the leveraging of individual strengths and specialisms.
Some of the projects and charities that the Ashridge Foundation have helped include:
- Transitions UK
- Youth Concern (Aylesbury)
- Chiltern MS Centre
- Lindengate